Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Find Out If He Loves You - You Won't Even Have to Ask

Does your guy tell you he loves you but you just aren't sure? Are you getting mixed signals from him that makes it really hard to tell if he really loves you or not? Do you wish you could get inside of his head and find out what he's really thinking? If you answered yes, then keep reading. You are about to enter into the way that men think and find out if he really loves you.

In order to find out if he really loves you, you need to stop listening to his words, and watch his actions. As the old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. If he isn't backing up his words with actions, it is highly possible that he is only telling you what you want to hear. However, if he is not only telling you he loves you, but showing it, then his intentions and feelings are true. Here are a few questions that you need to ask yourself.

1. Is he introducing you to friends and family?

2. Does he talk about the future with you?

3. Does he follow through when he says he will do something?

4. Does he feel comfortable having phone conversations around you?

5. Does he engage in conversation with you?

6. Does he talk about you or ask you questions about when the two of you aren't together?

7. Does he dress in things that he knows you like?

8. Are you the only girl he is seeing?

If you answered yes to most of these questions, then you can believe the words that are coming from his mouth. He is showing you through his actions as well as his words that he really does love you. However, if you answered no to the majority of these questions, then you might want to find a guy that you can get an honest yes from.

Reference:Tina L Jones

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