Thursday, September 16, 2010

3 Ways (That May Surprise You) to Turn On Your Woman More Often

Jason is relatively happy with his marriage. He and his wife get along very well and have fun together. One thing that Jason would like to improve is their lovemaking...specifically, the frequency of their lovemaking.
It seems like Jason's wife is either too tired or just not in the mood for sex more often than he'd like. He is very turned on by her and would like to have sex several times a week instead of the 1 or 2 times that normally happens.

Jason wants to know the secret to turning on his wife.

If you would like your woman to be in the mood for sex and intimacy more often, you're not alone. Countless men in committed heterosexual relationships struggle with this issue. They want to have their sexual needs met and they want this to happen within their relationship.

In other words, these men are in love with their girlfriend or their wife, they are unwilling and uninterested in breaking their monogamy agreements AND they want to have sex more often with their woman.
...But she doesn't seem to be in the mood for lovemaking as much as he is.
If this struggle sounds familiar to you, there IS something you can do about it.

Here are 3 ways to turn on your woman-- and they may surprise you:

#1: Light your own fire.
Too many times, a man finds himself wanting more sex in his love relationship or marriage, but he isn't living the passionate kind of life to match that desire.

Believe it or not, your feeling lack when it comes to the sex you have (or don't have) with your woman has a lot to do with the way you are living your life outside of the bedroom.

To put it simply, if you aren't moving through your life-- and your relationship-- with your inner fire lit and burning brightly, your sex life will probably be lackluster and scant as well.

Men who do not have clear goals, aspirations and dreams and who are not excited about their own lives overall usually are not happy with their sex lives either.

This is partly because women are turned off by men who directionless and lackluster. You can make a huge shift in your relationship by finding ways to light your own fire-- spark your excitement for your life.

Do this by exploring what is most important to you in your life as a whole. Go within yourself and look for the aspirations and interests that help you feel charged up and ready to move forward.

#2: Let your woman see your inner fire.
Once you begin to get a better idea of your goals and dreams that excite you, share that with your woman.
Even if what you discover is completely different from anything you've done before and even if you wonder if she'll think you are crazy or foolish for having this goal or dream, find the courage to share it with her anyway.
Be completely honest about what you prefer all of the time-- whether it is the movie you two will watch together, a career move you are considering, a trip you'd like to take or a decision about your kids.

Know that you voicing your preference honestly is not the same as you being a dictator in your relationship.

You can listen to her thoughts and then the two of you can come to a decision together.

The essential point here is to allow your woman to see that not only do you care about her, your relationship and life together, you are also continuing to feed your inner fire by finding out what excites you.

#3: Follow through.
You might have a dream that is very involved and that seems very far away from where you are now. Don't let the perceived impossibility of your goals or dreams dampen your enthusiasm.

Let your woman know what steps you plan to take that will help you to stay charged up and moving in the direction of your goals and dreams. You can also let her know that you're willing to listen to her ideas-- especially if your plans directly affect her.

The important thing is for you to follow through and keep your inner fire alive.

So, how does all of this pertain to having sex more often with your woman?

When you are clear and directed about your present and your future, everything about you lights up-- and it shows. As you trust your woman by sharing with her your dreams and goals and then you take steps toward them, she can join in with the excitement and renewed sense of being fully alive.

All of this is a huge turn on for just about every woman out there. The spark is contagious and will most likely translate into a more passionate bedroom-- more sex-- for you.

Reference:Otto Collins 

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